Rina Banerjee
Sex Bait
Sculpture mounted on wall. Ceramic, light bulb, Italian sconce, hold leaf
61 x 35.6 x 35.6 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Contemplate she, she is the occasion, not tangential, nor a catch all, not behind, not pliable or replaceable, a paradoxical left and right, she is in the center like saffron sun drenched in purple robes, the beginning and origin who’s willingness
Acrylic and ink on WC paper
30.5 x 40 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Searching for greener pastures and even greener (nicer) people
Acrylic and ink on WC paper
76.2 x 55.9 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Watering holes could not speak, like elongated wicks, drew from near to far milk and meat, holding food like holding feet from walking free
Moonstone beads, Czech glass beads, quartz , lava rock, cotton netting, sequin appliqué , sea conch , snail shells hand blown glass, Indian brass water head vessel, mohair
139.7 × 53.3 × 58.4 cm
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Rina Banerjee
His house was already a clutter with neighbors and strangers and all the world in between
Acrylic, ink, gold, silver leaf on watercolor paper
114 x 80 cm
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Rina Banerjee
A woman must keep moving, in fight to find height, battles tied, won alone, break no bones, carry her young while after pushing mountain ache like dry stone
Acrylic, ink on paper
81 x 62 cm
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Rina Banerjee
On Land, with Water and bathed in Air... give me shelter
Acrylic, Lace collage, Venetian art papers collaged ink aluminum leaf on water color paper
114 x 80 cm
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Rina Banerjee
All heart and wonder the future came to her like thunderous lava, she leaped while it seeped into places hostile and thence explosions placed her away from him, his anger waked her as survivor
Acrylic, marble papers collage and gold leaf
55.8 x 76.2 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Conspicuous waters waffled into sky and mountains cracked to migrate, go into elsewhere. Like Indian rope trick she escaped hotness of Southern breath and juggled her race ethnicity, made oceans tear open, let flow people mixing in all directions
Acrylic on paper
76.2 x 55.8 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Disrobed, torn, ripped by wind, in open ocean, in land, in this far, far exterior shipwrecked with boastful flesh on land's edge she landed
Watercolour and ink on paper
91.4 x 91.4 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Hanging on, jumping jobs, I do, I don’t, I kneel or I won’t, sinking and rising but playing jump rope in danger of having no home, no country
Watercolour and ink on paper
76.2 x 55.8
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Rina Banerjee
Kiss me at birth everything is going to be better now ... not forever, no contract, no promises can sever birth mother forever
Acrylic, ink and collage on paper
76.2 x 55.8 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Native Siren
Steel, cloth, wood, textile, thread and beads
71 x 40.6 x 38 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Petty crime, shame on her mind
Acrylic, ink and collage on watercolour paper
152.4 x 55.8 cm
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Rina Banerjee
The globe warmed like egg and once thrice with crack to open she could pick and pick by hook of finger, eating-eaten in the curl of nails one a terrible beauty of faithful spouse she is yellow in all battles "with sun when moon plays like a mouse
Watercolour and ink on paper
91.4 x 91.4 cm
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Rina Banerjee
Under heavy mistletoe, welcome me with witches and widows who prepare me, take me away in flight fold my legs thrice wake me without kiss from dream with grin, giggle and tender laughter
Acrylic, ink and collage on two sheets of paper
105.4 x 75.6 cm
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